Risky business

Friday, 28 October 2011

To laugh is to risk appearing a fool
To weep is to risk being called sentimental
To reach out to another is to risk involvement
To expose feelings is to risk showing your true self
To place your ideas & dreams before the crowd is to risk being called naive
To love is to risk not being loved in return
To live is to risk dying
To hope is to risk despair
To try is to risk failure
But the greatest risk in life is to risk nothing
The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing and becomes nothing
Only the person who risks is truly free.

These are not my words, but the verse a friend wrote down and gave me in this card today. I don't know what will happen next - neither do you - but I hope I always find the courage to take risks. The freedom of our hearts and minds is all any of us really have for sure. At least I believe so.