
Thursday, 28 June 2007

I’ve been sick all week which has been a bit sucky. Lemsip is overrated (and I’ve been through a whole pot of honey trying to make the stuff actually taste nice) so now I’ve turned to whisky. My theory is that even if it doesn’t kill the germs it should act as a great anesthetic.

I’m still vaguely hoping someone – anyone - will pitch up at my doorstop with some hot chicken soup. But hey, I’ve been thinking that ever since I left home some fifteen years ago and so far it hasn’t happened yet, so I’m not holding my breath!

It’s also been very cold and frosty. If I want to go out after 9:30pm at night I have to chip the frost off my car windscreen first. Out of almost every window of my little house I can see crisp white snow capping the hills like fresh vanilla icecream. Hmmm, perhaps I should get out my witches cauldron (again) and make some mulled wine just to get into the whole winter wonderland theme…

Just because I’ve been sick the week hasn’t been any less eventful. I’ve seen a grown man piss in his own kitchen sink (the mind boggles), after tomorrow I’ll be officially unemployed (not that I’m complaining), and as always I’ve learnt lots of new, interesting and inspiring things.

I can hardly contain my excitement to see what next week will bring. Next thing, someone will actually leave a comment and I'll have a heart attack!

Home Sweet Home

Saturday, 23 June 2007

I’ve almost clocked up 4 months in this new town. It’s always felt right, but now it’s really starting to feel like home. Why, you may well ask?

To start with, my list of favourite places to hang out is getting longer. They no longer fit on the back of a matchbox. This week, with the help of a new friend, I even discovered a very cool, very small drinking hole in the back streets of Richmond of all places. If my first experience of it is anything to go by I think it may be another place to add to my famous TARDIS list. That being, when you’re in it you lose all sense of time and when you come out of it your perspective on the outside world has often changed remarkably from when you went in. LOL, don’t even ask!

At the last quick count I also must know at least half a dozen people now that I can and want to call up, who even invite me out to soirées from time to time. Sometimes I even find messages left on my answerphone which are purely leisure related. There is a God!

Throw into the mix that I’m beginning to learn the back road shortcuts; the best places to eat in town; I run into people I know in the street; …oh yeah, and it’s been raining for the last three days which makes it feel a little too much like Welly Town!

I’m just lovin’ looking up at the snow capped ranges on my door step and the eternal fruit bowl of Nelson that just keeps on giving to me! I’ve also just bought the mother of all comfy sofa beds for anyone that wants to come and stay and soak it up for themselves.

Rock on!

The System

Saturday, 16 June 2007

Carrying on with the dating theme, a friend emailed me this the other day cos she thought it was kind of appropriate! Thanks Leese, LMAO :P

Date Scones

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

This ‘dating’ thing cracks me up. I’m no wallflower but I don’t think I have ever in my life before really ‘dated’ until the last couple of years. And if you ask me, it’s distinctly bloody odd. It must be a grown-up thing to do. How terribly civilised.

Growing up in Wangas, dating consisted of hanging out in town on a Friday night in your best (and tightest) jeans! Cruising around in cars with boys, or if you got really lucky, you’d park up at the beach and snog a bit while you drank your hipflask and shared a joint. Aaaaah, the Mighty Manawatu LOL!

Instead of “Blind Date” it’s now “Blind Data”. If you want, you’re just a couple of clicks away from meeting someone new. There’s also speed dating and someone told me about this new thing here in Nelson (that some stoner must of dreamt up) where you sit around and stare into other people’s eyes for a bit to see if you get inspired. Although apparently it was cancelled due to lack of interest - I’m not surprised eh!

If I think about the successful (and I use that term loosely) relationships I’ve had, they’ve pretty much all been with people I’ve already known – and just started to look at differently :P I wasn’t worried about what they did for a living, whether they wanted/had/were a kid, what their attitude on life was – cos I already vaguely knew. I didn’t know about the size of the hands thing then either!!!

I think perhaps its time to go back to my witches’ cauldron and make myself a bloke! He’ll have all the things that are REALLY important… a spa pool, a well stocked liquor cabinet, an awesome music collection and be as funny as f**k…

Good times!

Just Hanging

Friday, 8 June 2007

The highlight of my week was spending time with some mates who came down to visit me from Welly Town.

Collected ‘em from the airport very very early one extremely crisp, cold morning. I’m always keen to hear how they find coming over the ditch on Sounds Air’s little Cessna. Generally people either absolutely love it and find it an adrenalin buzz, or conversely spend the whole time cacking themselves! Personally I reckon it’s the coolest plane ride I’ve ever been on - gotta love the views and those huge banking corners! Just enough fear to know you're alive eh!!

Was a great couple of days. We just hung out, amusing ourselves and laughing a lot as you do. We ate HEAPS; I kicked their arses at “the hardest mini-golf course in the world” (so the dude told us anyway); finally took Buck out and got him all dirtied up – that was HEAPS OF FUN and going by all the shrieks, laughter and general noises of amusement they thought so too; discovered some cool driftwood caves at the beach to hangout in and take photos of; and generally just made well meaning fun of one another.

Thanks guys – just what I needed – you rock!