Big ups to the gigglers

Monday, 19 January 2009

Making the national open women's pairs final in only your second year on the greens... Wow! Where to from here? Big congrats to my fab friend and one half of 'the gigglers', Fiona McKinlay. You will go far. But I've always told you that... maybe now you're plastered all over the media you will start believing me.

Not fwends anymore

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

I've got a nuisance texter. I've tried numerous tactics to get rid of them - politely asking, ignoring and even getting a bit antsy on it - but I can't seem to convince them that I'm actually not their friend called Shay who is just pretending not to know them.

Since I think Shay is under 15 years of age, I'm mildly amused that they don't find anything peculiar about my text style compared to the "Hae row wuu2" type language they use (which I can't even translate into something meaningful).

After a couple of weeks I'm well and truly over receiving these frequent texts, so in a last ditch effort to try and get them to stop (and since even contacting Vodafone doesn't seem to help), I text back today with "ur abt 2 learn a lot abt karma if u eva text me again". Okay, so yes I'm childish.

I had to laugh out loud at the reply: "karmas nt real u flupin idiot oh and shay were nt fwends animore BTW". Great! I really hope that since we're not "fwends" anymore it means they'll finally stop texting me.


Monday, 5 January 2009

A new year. When we spend the first 2 weeks getting out of the habit of writing “08” on everything in favour of writing “09”. When traditionally you resolve to either start or stop doing something-or-other in particular.

I make resolutions all the time and certainly don’t consider them to be the domain of the new year only. What can I say; I’m a goal orientated person. I find it much easier when I have something in my sights to aim for. And otherwise, whatever it is, is unlikely to ever happen in this lifetime!

So at new year I like to resolve to do something a little extra special - rather than the run of the mill lose weight, get fit, save money, blah blah blah. Somewhere around the 90s was an extremely good year, when I remember resolving to make love in a waterbed (and a belated thanks to my then boyfriend’s parents who unwittingly provided their marital bed in order for me to realise this objective!)

With regret I never achieved my 2008 new year’s resolution, which was to take my first helicopter flight. I had the opportunity in November during the Nelson A&P show, but decided I’d rather wait until I have the money to take a flight over Mt Cook or somewhere equally breathtaking, rather than the somewhat less inspiring Richmond Showgrounds!

I already live the life of Riley really and am pretty happy with my lot, but after much thought I’ve come up with 2 resolutions for 2009:

  1. Charlie Brown and I are going to brave public scrutiny and enter the mid-winter Nelson dressage series. We’ve been taking lessons for around 2 months now and have something to prove to ourselves. I never thought I would ever in my lifetime even contemplate doing this, so I’m halfway there I reckon.
  2. Stop beating myself up about being the only single girl I know in my mid-30s who can’t even remember what it’s like to be in love. I'm convinced I'm still normal (whatever that is) ;)

Auld lang syne my friends xx